Why Do Students These Days Have an Addiction To Assignment Writing Services?

Have you ever wondered what the academic lifestyle of a student of today’s age looks like? Are you one of those people who think that students of today’s period have the upper hand because they can take academic assistance any time of the day through online platforms? Well; on one hand these perks cannot be denied but on the other hand, the extreme academic pressure that comes along with it also cannot be overlooked.

This is why students have found their relief in the form of Assignment Writing Services or other such forms of academic writing project assistance.

This helps to bring quite some amount of ease to them which keeps them sane. The purpose of this post is to highlight why students have become so addicted to buying writing services or assignment writing services in particular.

Reasons for students being addicted to buying assignment writing help:

Self-efficacy is a statistically significant and large predictor of writing anxiety (Huerta et al, 2016), and to get rid of this anxiety students opt for assignment writing services.  The needs and perspective of each student vary according to his requirements.

However; there are some basic reasons that make the students want to buy help from the Best Website For Assignment Writing. Best websites have especially been mentioned because not all websites provide the exceptional services that students seek and not all are authentic.

The following are some of the common reasons for students being addicted to buying assignment writing help;

1. Time & effort saving:

The length of an assignment might vary from 2500 words to up to 8000 words. This surely calls for a lot of time and effort. Most university students are part-time employees as well because they have to meet their academic plus personal needs expenses.

It is the assignment writing service providers who take the students out of this dilemma by providing their assistance otherwise students had to choose one option and that would definitely be a difficult choice.

2. Thoroughly researched:

Assignments are such academic pieces of writing that are mostly based on research work. There is a whole section or chapter dedicated to already-published research works and adding references of sources (literature review). It not only consumes a lot of time but also sometimes students can find relatable data or authentic sources like professionals can.

3. Proficiently written:

A student writes an assignment twice or at most thrice in his lifetime but professionals have the experience of writing hundreds of assignments so clearly, they have more knowledge and expertise in the field. The formats that they choose, the language that they use, and everything else are carefully written making the project extremely proficient.

4. Well-structured:

Another plus point of taking assignment writing help from online sites is that they strictly follow the structure of assignment writing. Each academic writing project has certain rules and regulations that differentiate it from other academic projects (thedissertationhelp.uk, 2022). It doesn’t matter if the student wants UK-based writing standards or US-based, professional writers can help students with all forms of writing. Besides, the basic structure of assignment writing followed all across the world is the same there is no question of worry, this structure goes as;

  • Title page.
  • Table of contents.
  • Table of figures.
  • Abstract.
  • Introduction.
  • Theory.
  • Methodology.
  • Analysis.
  • Discussion.
  • Conclusion.

5. Guaranteed good grades:

As students don’t have that much experience with writing assignments so there are high chances of them not being able to exceed grade B. No matter how much a student tries, he is gonna leave some loopholes because it is his first or probably second time writing an assignment. The professionals make sure that there are no loopholes in their work as they have done it all. Most assignment writing service providers offer a cash-back guarantee of getting a grade of A.

6. On-time submission:

Every assignment writing project has a certain deadline and students must submit their project within that deadline. There are times when students cannot submit it on time and lose their marks because of it. However; if there are professional writers writing the assignment for you then they will surely deliver the project on time.

7. Proofread & Edited:

Proofreading and editing are two vital steps of assignment writing that every professor stresses upon. However; students find it extremely boring to go through the whole project again and again. This is where the assignment writing service providers come to the rescue. They make sure that no grammatical mistakes, punctuation errors, or wrong sentence formation is there. They make sure to submit the content in its most flawless form.

8. Clear the concepts:

When a professional writes an assignment on behalf of students, a student not only gets the idea of how an assignment must be written but also gets to clarify a   lot of his misconceptions about the topic. A thoroughly researched topic by professionals helps in bringing clarity of concept to the student.

9. No plagiarism:

Students intentionally or unintentionally copy the content from different sources and write it on their projects. This is one of the main reasons for mark deduction. However; when an assignment is being written by professional writers then no scope is left for plagiarism.  In fact; they even attach the no-plagiarism report at the end of the project as proof.

10. Affordable:

Besides all of the above-mentioned perks of buying assignment writing services from professional writers, the additional advantage is that these services are not that expensive. Students can easily afford these assignment writing services as they can be bought at quite reasonable prices.


Writing assignments is surely a difficult task but at the same time, its importance cannot be denied. The academic performance of students is evaluated through such writing projects so they must be taken seriously. Students are quite familiar with the importance of assignment writing which is why they have started buying writing assistance from professional writers. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help the readers in understanding the reasons for students being addicted to buying assignment writing services.


Huerta, M. P. (2016). Graduate students as academic writers: writing anxiety, self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. Higher Education Research & Development , 36 (4), 716-729.

thedissertationhelp.uk. (2022, Nov 11th). Dissertation Vs. Thesis: What’s The Difference? https://thedissertationhelp.co.uk/dissertation-vs-thesis-whats-the-difference/ .