Gum Lightening Service: How Dentists Would Try to Remove Gum Pigmentation in the Past

Gum Lightening Service

Gum bleaching is how dentists would try to remove gum pigmentation in the past — the keyword there being tried. Using painful lasers, dentists would literally burn away an entire layer of the gum tissue in the hopes of getting rid of the melanocytes (which produce pigment) that lead to dark gums and receding gums. The issue with this? It’s painful, it’s expensive, and it doesn’t always work . . . which means when you find yourself with discolored gums or receding gums, you may not want to trust your dentist anymore!

Why The Old Way Was Painful?

The old way of getting rid of gum pigmentation is not a very pleasant experience. A dentist would use a laser and burn away an entire layer of your gum tissue, with the hopes of getting rid of melanocytes (which produce pigment). Ouch! The burning sensation from this procedure lasts for weeks and it’s not uncommon for there to be noticeable scars after. If you are looking for a pain-free gum lightening service, look no further than Cosmetic Dental Care of DFW. Our highly trained dentists will use a special laser that sends pulses down into your gums so that you won’t feel any discomfort at all!

Today’s Laser Technology:

Today, the process is a little less painful. Gum bleaching service providers will use lasers that are specially designed for this delicate tissue to gently and slowly break down melanin (pigment) without damaging or disturbing your gum tissue. The laser works by emitting light energy that can penetrate through the skin and reach deeper layers of tissue. It will break down the pigment cells and destroy them before they can make any more pigment. After treatment, all you have to do is brush your teeth and clean under your gums as usual. Depending on how much pigment there is, it may take up to six treatments before you notice a difference.

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What’s Involved?

Q. What Is A Gum Lightning Service?

A. The surgery-free, no-anesthesia treatment starts with teeth cleaning by our dental team.

Q. What Should I Do When At Home?

A. Rest comfortably and avoid drinking too many liquids while your dentist cleans your teeth and reduces bacteria below the gums which cause dark spots around your teeth.

Q. Are There Any Side Effects?

A. Some patients, some people may experience pain after laser light has been applied or a temporary burn feeling on their tongue or inside of their cheek, but it will pass quickly and you can use ice for relief!


Q. What Is Gum Bleaching?

A. Gum lightening service is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that provides a safe and effective way to remove gum pigmentation, stains, and discoloration due to age or genetics. The process involves carefully applying a whitening gel (containing hydrogen peroxide) to the surface of your teeth and gums using an applicator brush. The whitening gel will bleach away any brown or yellow tones on your teeth, leaving you with beautiful white teeth without having anything surgically done!

Q. How Much Does It Cost?

A. This can be done at any of our four locations for $495, which includes a consultation with Dr.

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