A Comprehensive Guide on How to Build an App Like AnyList?

Remembering the grocery shopping list is a headache for many of us. The success of the grocery shopping list app name AnyList is the result of this headache.

AnyList is one of the apps that offers the best way to create and share a grocery shopping list with ease. The app allows users to organize their recipes in the most efficient way.

The success of the AnyList shopping list app can be measured by its download number on Google Play Store. It has received around 5M+ downloads and 4.8 ratings on the Play Store.

The success of the AnyList mobile app inspired a lot of business-minded individuals or On-demand Start-ups to develop an app like AnyList. If you are also counted among them, then this blog is meant for you.

Here in this blog, we have shared a comprehensive guide on how to develop a grocery list app like AnyList.

So, let’s get started.

How to Develop a Shopping List App Like AnyList?

Let’s check how you can turn your online grocery shopping list app like AnyList into a reality:

1.  Research

This step might seem offbeat to you, as you already have an idea of developing an app similar to AnyList. Nevertheless, you have only taken one step forward, you still have to walk a long way.

Copying a well-established app idea also requires research otherwise your app will fail to impress your audience.

You should do some research related to the buyer persona’s real demographics, trends activity, and so on to ensure that your app delivers a personalized experience to your users.

Once you have all this information ready with you, the next thing you have to research is finding an app development agency that aligns with your vision.

There are an overwhelming number of mobile app development companies in India, so pay attention to the details like portfolio, client reviews, app development services, and so on to filter for the best companies for your project.

If possible while choosing an app development firm, pay attention to a company that has previous experience in building online grocery shopping apps. This way you can expect better results for your project.

2.  Prepare SOW Document, Outlines, and Deadlines

Once you have finalized the app development partner, you should ask them to provide you with the statement of work document alongside the outlines and deadlines the company is going to adhere to.

Having such information in writing will prevent any miscommunication between you and your development partner.

3.  Time to Focus on Visual Appearance of App

After you have a clear understanding of the entire development process, you should start working on crafting the visual appearance of your app.

Before app designers start working on the UI/UX design of your app, it would be in your interest to create the wireframe of your app first. This way you will be able to get the complete idea of your app without investing a lot of time and effort in UI/UX design.

Once you are satisfied with the look and feel of your app, you can ask your designer’s team to move on to UI/UX design.

4.  Backend Development

After UI/UX design, the next thing that will come to play is backend development. Under this process app, developers will work on making the app functional. App developers will link the app with the database to make sure the grocery list of the users can be stored and retrieved on the application efficiently.

App developers will also need to work on integrating a few third-party plugins with your AnyList-like mobile app to enhance its functionality.

5.  Quality Analysis

This is one of the most important steps you should take. Before launching the app, you should make sure that it behaves according to your expectations. You might lose your users if your app fails to deliver a bug-free experience.

To ensure your app performs well, a team of quality analysts will perform rigorous testing on your developed applications. If any error occurs, testers will contact the developer’s team and ask them to rectify the bugs. If the application is free of bugs then you are good to go.

6.  App Deployment

After receiving the green flag from the quality analyst’s team, it’s time to launch your mobile application in the market. At the same time, you also need to develop strong market strategies to gain the attention of your potential users. Your chosen mobile application development company can help you deploy your app on Play Store, App Store, or both.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App Like AnyList?

Cost is one of the vital factors to consider no matter how small or large an enterprise you are running. Having a pre-knowledge of the budget will help you to manage your finances efficiently and avoid you from overspending.

Now, let’s figure out how much does it cost to develop an app like AnyList?

The cost is determined on the basis of a number of factors like the features, functionalities, and platforms on which you intended to launch your application. The cost of developing the AnyList app for Android is high as opposed to iOS. The explanation is that Android applications needed to be tested on hundreds or thousands of devices meanwhile iOS devices are limited.

The exact cost prediction can’t be made without having a detailed knowledge of your requirements. Hence, it is advisable to share your project requirement with an app development company to know the exact amount you will need to pay.

Final Take

AnyList apart from helping people make grocery shopping lists also helps them to organize their recipes. You will also need to add some unique features to your AnyList-like mobile app to ensure it receives the attention of users and impresses them in the long run.

Apart from this, you will also need to pay attention to the team of mobile app developers you are going to work with. You should always prefer to work with someone who has some previous experience. By doing so you will be able to emphasize your project outcome by unlocking its full potential.

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