How to Improve Organic Clickthrough for Your Content

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The internet is a competitive place. Publishers are competing for the same readers, and readers themselves face an endless stream of choices. When it comes to search engines, Google is king—and they’ve always been king. But just because they’re the biggest doesn’t mean they’re perfect: their search results are often frustratingly irrelevant. That’s why as per SEO Company Brisbane, clickthrough rates (CTR) are so important. You don’t need to be on the first page of Google results—you just need to be one of the first few links that people click. This post will show you how:

Make your content easy to read.

  • Use short sentences and simple words. Short sentences are easier to read, and simple words help people understand what you’re trying to say without a lot of effort.
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice. Active voice is when the subject of your sentence performs an action; in passive voice, it’s performed upon them. For example, “John threw the ball” is active while “The ball was thrown by John” is passive. The latter form may be grammatically correct but can make your content feel stiff and impersonal—and ultimately make readers less likely to click through to your site from social media posts sharing it if they’re reading from mobile devices!
  • Use conversational tone online—this means using words like “you,” “we,” and “I” instead of formal ones like “one,” “they”, or “it.” Using these kinds of informal pronouns helps create a more friendly tone that encourages engagement with topics related specifically to humans (people) rather than machines (computers). Plus, if you write like this enough times, then maybe one day soon, our AI overlords will finally see how we mean them no harm after all — just kidding, guys, I’m sure everything’s fine here, so let’s just keep moving along…

Write in a conversational tone.

The best content is easy to understand and digest. It also needs to be easy to read because it’s hard to get people interested in something that they can’t even finish reading. If your writing is too dense and complicated, your readers will stop reading before they reach the end of the post, which means that you’re losing potential conversions.

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To ensure that your audience understands what you’re saying above all else, write in a conversational tone that’s easy on the eyes:

Format content into subheadings or bullet points

When writing content, you want to make sure it’s easy for readers to scan. The way you format your text can help with this. Here are some tips:

  • Use subheadings. Break up long pieces of text into smaller chunks by using subheadings to organize ideas and establish structure in your writing. This makes it easier for readers to scan through the information and find what they’re looking for quickly. Consider bolding or italicizing these headings, so they stand out better when scanning through your page. An example would be: “What You Need To Know About Content Writing” (first heading), then “Where Do You Start?” (second heading), continuing on until all the points have been made in that section of the article/blog post/etc., then moving onto another section like so: “Your First Step In Building A Blog.”
  • Use lists when possible instead of paragraphs full of text because lists allow people who are reading on mobile devices as well as those using screen readers (the most common type used by blind users) easily navigate through large amounts.

Research your keywords

It’s important to start with the basics when it comes to keyword research. It’s likely that you already have some idea of what people are searching for on Google and other search engines, but there’s always room for improvement. There are several tools you can use to find out what keywords your audience is typing into their browser bar:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Autocomplete
  • Google Trends

And if those three aren’t enough for you (which they really should be), there are many more tools out there that can help you find the best keywords for your content!


One of the main takeaways from this article should be that there are many different ways to improve your organic clickthrough rate (CTR) as per SEO Company Brisbane. We’ve covered everything from using the right keywords in your title tag and meta description to writing compelling headlines to make sure you have an attractive image accompanying your content on social media. But these aren’t all-or-nothing tactics—the best way to drive up your traffic numbers is by applying a variety of strategies and always keeping track of what works for you and what doesn’t. This may take some trial and error at first, but once you find a combination that works well with your audience, it will be worth it!

Happy Reading!!!!

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