How To Memorize Quran Fast And Properly?

How To Memorize Quran Fast And Properly?

If you are reading this article, then I am sure that you’re finding ways to memorize Quran fast and properly so that you can start reciting in no time at all. The first step in memorizing the Quran is learning to read and write it correctly, and that takes plenty of practice and patience. Once you know how to read and write the verses correctly, you can start putting them together into what are called Juz’ (parts) and Surahs (chapters). These parts can be put together into several Qira’ah (readings), as follows.

The importance of memorizing the Quran

Why is it important to memorize Quran fast and properly? How can we achieve optimum performance in memorizing Qur’an and make our minds strong, fit, and ready for learning on a daily basis? The most important point of concern to know when you are committed to reading the Qur’an is that your mind has to be completely purified from any other thought.

This should be kept in mind for any activity which we do as part of our five daily prayers. These acts cannot be done without purifying your mind from all other thoughts. Whenever you have complete concentration, there is no way that you will not accomplish your task satisfactorily.

The reason behind asking people to recite with correct pronunciation (tajweed) is also due to the purification of the mind. When your mind remains clean and clear, then only you can remember what you have read or heard during your prayer times.

So, when people are doing tajweed, they are actually training their minds to become purer and clearer so that they remember better whatever they read or hear during their prayer times. This would enable them to gain maximum benefit out of whatever they learn at an Online Quran Academy or at home as well.

In order to memorize Quran online fast, follow these steps:

  1. First thing first, before starting the recitation of Qur’an online, get rid of everything which comes into your head while sitting for prayer times. This would require you to concentrate fully on what you are going to read or recite in a particular session. While reading or reciting, keep your mind clear from all other thoughts so that you can pay full attention to what you are reading or reciting at that time. 
  • After having done proper wudu (ablution) and prayed two Rakat nafl (optional) prayers, start reciting surah Fatiha slowly after pronouncing each letter correctly and loudly enough so that it is audible to yourself only during your first attempt. Do not move on to the next verse until you have memorized at least one verse of the Qur’an online fast. This would help you in memorizing Quran online easily as you will be able to concentrate fully on what you are reading or reciting at that time without any distraction from other thoughts. 
  • The same process should be repeated for all subsequent verses till you complete reading or recitation of the whole surah Fatiha properly with correct pronunciation and loudness in a single session.

How to be consistent with it?

Consistency is key to memorizing Qur’an. The more consistent you are with it, whether it be daily or weekly, the more you will remember what you have memorized. If you wait too long between your lessons, sometimes days in between or even weeks in between, depending on how far along you are in your program, then your brain will begin to forget what it learned, and you may need to start all over again with a new study plan. You will see results much faster than if you were to take random days off here and there. So, try to keep up with your schedule as best as possible and don’t let anything get in your way of doing so.

The most important thing is that you actually want to do it: This can go for anything really, but when learning something such as memorizing Qur’an, it is essential that you are doing so because you want to learn it for yourself, not because someone else wants you to learn it.

Tips for memorizing faster

There are several factors that affect how fast you can memorize something: your mental abilities, your physical health, your sleep quality, and your nutrition. There are many approaches to memorizing. You may try recording your sessions with a voice recorder or dictaphone. Or you may like to type or write out everything you are trying to memorize (in any language).

In other words, there is no single best way to remember things faster, but if you find yourself taking longer than a month or two to learn a particular passage, then consider switching up your methods slightly. 

For example, if audio didn’t work for you, then try writing out the passage instead. The key here is that what works today might not work tomorrow; find what works best for you and stick with it. Experimentation is important!

Keep track of your progress using charts and graphs so you can see which techniques have worked in the past. If one method isn’t working well, then try another until you find one that works well enough. 

Remember, repetition is essential to long-term memory formation—if it takes too long to remember something over time, re-learn it every day until it sticks.

The different ways to learn how to memorize Quran

There are many different ways to go about memorizing Quran, so you should make sure you try a few different ones and see what works best for you. For example, there are many apps and books that can help with memorization. The popular app called iQuran lets you listen to your favorite Quranic recitations in just one tap; it also provides correct Arabic text, meaning that as you listen, you don’t have to worry about making mistakes while reading along.

Another good option is called Memorize-Quran, which is a workbook and software program meant to help users create unique learning styles using images and sounds, among other things.

Some effective ways of memorizing

For example, read some verses of Holy Quran; after that, close your eyes and try to repeat them. This will help you to remember better. Also, listening to its recitation can be a helpful way of learning it by heart. Try to do as much as possible, and don’t get discouraged if it seems difficult at first.

It is always good to seek help from someone who knows Arabic well; they will guide you towards proper recitation. In any case, even if you don’t appropriately learn every letter of Arabic but recite it with complete concentration and devotion in mind, then it will have been an act full of reward.


It is indeed not easy to memorize The Noble Qur’an. But if you are serious about learning how to memorize, it will be a worthwhile effort on your part. I would suggest that one of two ways that would be suitable for you as an individual to learn how to memorize The Noble Qur’an are: listen, listen and listen some more! Or read and recite over and over again until you can recite by heart.

Happy Reading!!!!

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