How to Overcome Fear of Heights?

How to Overcome Fear of Heights

So you’re scared of heights? You’re not alone. People are afraid of heights for many reasons. Some have experienced an unnerving accident. Others have seen terrible accidents occur before their eyes. Or you may have grown up next to a tall building and climbed to the top when you were a child, just to look down and realize how high above the ground you were. To avoid experiencing fear of heights again, some will even refuse to go on tall buildings or ride in airplanes because it triggers that experience or memory of being high up and causes extreme anxiety.

Learn how to control your breathing

When we feel anxious, our breathing rate increases and we breathe shallowly through our chest rather than through our diaphragm (the lower part of our lungs). This means that we don’t get enough oxygen into our bloodstream when we are feeling anxious which makes us feel more anxious as well as dizzy and faint because of low blood pressure. So if you feel anxious while you are high up, try to take slow deep breaths and focus on your breathing. Look at the horizon and imagine that you are drawing a line between it and yourself. Then breathe in slowly while keeping your eyes focused on this line so that the air travels down into your lungs rather than up into your nose (which happens when we breathe shallowly).

Go slow when you’re trying to conquer your fear of heights

Go slow when you’re trying to conquer your fear of heights. You may be tempted to jump right into the deep end, but this can actually make things worse. Instead, focus on conquering smaller fears first. Try taking a few steps up an incline or climbing a small ladder before attempting something more difficult.

Practice in low-risk situations first

Start by practicing in places where there is no real danger if you fall or if something goes wrong. For example, if you want to learn how to rock climb, start in an indoor gym where the rock walls are covered in padding and there are no real falls possible — just make sure that someone who knows what they’re doing is around to help teach you how to climb safely!

Face your fears

Face your fears by making yourself go into situations that make you nervous about heights. For example, if you’re afraid of heights and want to learn how to rock climb, start with indoor gyms where there are no real falls possible — just make sure that someone who knows what they’re doing is around to help you learn how to climb safely! Face your fears by making yourself go into situations that make you nervous about heights. For example, if you’re afraid of heights and want to learn how to rock climb, start with indoor gyms where there are no real falls possible — just make sure that someone who knows what they’re doing is around to help teach you how to climb safely!

Go on Amusement parks Rides

Go to amusement parks where they have rides that will make you feel like you’re going up in the air or spinning around at high speeds and Ride Tallest Roller Coaster in the World, This will help you get over your fear gradually without feeling like you’re going through any real danger since these rides are carefully monitored by professionals who make sure that everything goes according to plan and nothing goes wrong during the ride.

If you’re afraid of roller coasters then try another type of rides like bumper cars or boats as they will still give you a sense of being up high in the air but not as much as roller coasters would do because they move faster than bumper cars and boats.

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Happy Reading!!!!
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