Best Blockchain Courses & Certification in 2022: Get Ahead of the Curve


Blockchain technology isn’t just one of the fastest-growing trends in today’s labor market; it’s also one of the most sought-after skills among employers, as shown by Glassdoor’s new blockchain jobs report.

With such demand, it only makes sense to seek out the best education and training possible, especially if you want to learn to code with a hands-on approach that connects theory to practice. These are some of the top blockchain course online programs available today, so make sure you take advantage of them before the year ends!

A Quick Brief on Blockchain Certification India 

Before jumping into the blockchain professional course selection, it’s important to understand what blockchain is and how it works. In a nutshell, a blockchain is a type of database that acts as an online ledger for all transactions. Instead of having one central administrator keeping tabs on all transactions, like with conventional databases (think banks), there are multiple people who record transactions—what’s known as nodes—and these nodes verify each other’s work before updates can go through. 

Reasons To Learn Blockchain Technology

Although blockchain is a relatively new technology, its use cases are boundless and diverse. What’s more, blockchain has been touted as a revolutionary technology that could one day change our world as we know it. While there are currently only a few colleges offering courses or degrees specific to the blockchain, there will be many more in 2022—and you want to be ahead of the curve! Don’t miss out on the best blockchain certification in India for 2022. Do your research now so you can get ahead!

1. Online Degree™ in Blockchain

The future of Blockchain technology is bright, as it has taken the digital world by storm. Being a master of Blockchain technology by completing an Online DegreeTM in Blockchain opens up a world of opportunities for you.

The Online Degree in Blockchain is intended to provide you with in-depth knowledge of Blockchain technology. Completing this blockchain degree ensures that you have the necessary competence to have a successful career in the sphere, as it is supported by extensive practical based sessions.

Course Duration: 20 Hours

Certification Validity: Lifetime

Exam: Online

Access Mode: Self-paced

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2. Certified Blockchain Expert™

The Certified Blockchain Expert program has a comprehensive curriculum that will introduce you to the various aspects of the Blockchain platform and the growing industry that surrounds it. The certification will also help you comprehend Blockchain-based business applications.

This training course will take you through the various components of Blockchain technologies and how they impact enterprise imperatives. You’ll also learn how to interact with business executives practically, matching their needs with pragmatic and immediately effective solutions that put decentralization at the forefront. Overall, this certification will provide you with a significant competitive advantage.

The certified Blockchain Expert course is for anyone who wants to learn everything they can about enterprise Blockchains and how they can be used in their industry.

Course Duration: 8 Hours

Certification Validity: Lifetime

Exam: Online

Access Mode: Self-paced

3. Instructor-Led Blockchain & Finance Professional Training

Blockchain is a disruptive technology that is currently being used to optimize multiple processes in a variety of domains. As the market for Blockchain professionals in the Finance Industry grows, this certification will demonstrate your competitive advantage over others.

After completing this course successfully a Blockchain professional can use their understanding of Blockchain technology to speed up and simplify cross-border payments while significantly lowering costs.

Course Duration: 6 Hours

Certification Validity: Lifetime

Exam: Online

Access Mode: Instructor led mode

4. Instructor-Led Training for Certified Blockchain Architect™

Certified Blockchain Architect (CBA) instructor-led training is a program designed specifically to provide knowledge about Blockchain operations and solutions to any Blockchain-related problem. This covers blockchain theory and structure, as well as a road map of different consensus mechanisms and their applications. This comprehensive training program will provide you with hands-on experience and comprehensive knowledge, allowing you to become a Certified Blockchain engineer who understands the technology and can integrate blockchain-based solutions into businesses.

Course Duration: 15 Hours

Certification Validity: Lifetime

Exam: Online

Access Mode: Instructor-led mode

5. Online Degree™ in Blockchain for Business

Blockchain is rapidly gaining a reputation for its ability to disrupt industries. A blockchain is a must-know tool in today’s context because it simplifies complex business processes. The online degree programme Blockchain for Business will teach you how to use blockchain to increase your business’s potential.

Now you can earn the fundamentals of blockchain through comprehensive modules and become a sought-after blockchain professional with the advanced courses.

Course Duration: 15 Hours

Certification Validity: Lifetime

Exam: Online

Access Mode: Self-paced

6. Online Degree™ in Cryptocurrency & Trading

The ever-expanding realm of cryptocurrency has demonstrated benefits for the future of currency evolution. Keeping the most recent developments in the crypto space and trading in mind, this online degree program covers all the major and minor details, allowing students to master the fundamentals of the technological infrastructure that powers Blockchains. This Blockchain course online is designed and specially curated for both beginners and experienced traders, and it will provide you with extensive knowledge in strategizing trading in the cryptocurrency market. This program offers a comprehensive structural understanding of the revolutionary cryptocurrency space, from the basics of Blockchains to the introduction to bitcoins and from the ground up training in trading and all its know-how.

This Cryptocurrency & Trading course is a web-based program that provides a concise and effective understanding of cryptocurrency and trading. This degree program focuses on the in-demand industry requirements required to excel and command the Cryptocurrency and Trading space. With this course, you will master the Cryptocurrency market by learning from industry veterans. To be successful in the Crypto market, you will learn Technical Analysis, Candlesticks, Blockchains, Derivative Trading, and Good Investment Strategies.

Course Duration: 5 Hours

Certification Validity: Lifetime

Exam: Online

Access Mode: Self-paced


Blockchain technology certification courses, such as Blockchain Council’s hands-on courses on the Blockchian platform are ideal for intermediate and advanced developers. A degree certification would be extremely beneficial for those seeking long-term careers in blockchain and cryptocurrencies or digital currencies. So, what are you waiting for? Check out their courses now! 

Happy Reading!!!!

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