Physiotherapy in Abbotsford

When it comes to physical therapy, Abbotsford residents are lucky enough to have several options. The Newleaf Total Wellness Centre features physiotherapists that are skilled at using various hand and body techniques. These techniques are designed to help patients recover from various physical ailments, improve range of motion and improve physical function. They also listen to patients’ needs and perform a thorough physical examination to help patients return to a healthier lifestyle.


There are many different types of physiotherapy services available in the Abbotsford area, including manual therapy and vestibular therapy. Both of these types of therapy can help with many types of pain and conditions. Manual therapy uses hands-on techniques to reduce pain and promote musculoskeletal healing. Vestibular therapy, on the other hand, uses specialized exercises and techniques to retrain the inner ear. This treatment is often used to treat dizziness and vertigo.

The physiotherapists at the Newleaf Total Wellness Centre in Abbotsford use a hands-on approach to treatment. They take the time to understand each patient’s needs and then develop a personalized treatment plan that meets those needs. The goal of physiotherapy is to improve physical function and improve movement, so that patients can live a more active lifestyle.

Graston Techniques Physiotherapy

The Graston Technique is a form of physical therapy that uses specific Graston Instruments to treat soft tissue injuries. This type of treatment helps patients recover faster and returns them to their pre-injury level of activity. Patients typically receive treatments twice a week and most experience noticeable results within four to five weeks. Some patients even report immediate relief of their symptoms.

The Graston Technique involves the use of a specially designed stainless steel instrument to break up scar tissue. The healthcare provider uses the instrument and a special massage technique to gently stretch the muscle tissue, restoring movement patterns and blood flow to the injured area.

Manual therapy

Erl Pettman is a physical therapist who has been practicing in British Columbia for over 35 years. He specializes in orthopedic manual therapy. He treats patients with spinal pain, sports injuries, and motor vehicle accidents. His expertise is recognized internationally, and he has developed several educational programs in the field. He lives in Abbotsford with his wife and three children. He has published several articles on the subject of OMT, and has lectured at national and international conferences.

At Newleaf Total Wellness Centre, physiotherapists use a hands-on approach to treat patients. Their goal is to restore physical function and enhance body movement. They take the time to understand their patients’ needs and will recommend the best treatment for them.

Dry needling

A physical therapist can perform dry needling to help reduce pain and improve the movement of muscles and joints. The method is a hybrid of acupuncture and Western medicine. Both methods focus on the body’s energy flow and structure. The process is often used to treat pain and discomfort, and is effective for a variety of conditions.

Dry needling, which is also called IMS, is a process that utilizes acupuncture needles. A specialist will use the needles to find the precise location where pain is emanating. This treatment is particularly useful in the case of chronic pain that is interfering with a person’s life. Professionals at Hillcrest Physiotherapy in Abbotsford are highly trained to perform the procedure.

Pain relief

If you need physiotherapy in Abbotsford, you can turn to Alpine Physiotherapy. They provide a range of services that will help you manage your pain. The treatments they provide are customized to your needs. For example, if you’re suffering from back pain, they can provide specialized treatment.

Evin Kuyer, a graduate of the University of British Columbia (UBC), specializes in sports-related pain and musculoskeletal injuries. His goal is to empower his patients to improve their quality of life and their performance. His approach to physiotherapy is hands-on and patient-centered.

Patients will also learn the proper ways to move and stretch their joints to reduce their pain. Oftentimes, patients with arthritis will combine different therapies to achieve maximum results. For example, they may combine chiropractic care with acupuncture, which can disrupt nerves and reduce pain.

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