What Are Various Fraction Concepts For Elementary Students?


A fraction is one of the basic concepts for the elementary class. If you are going to cut a Pizza into 4 equal pieces then you can write each part of the Pizza as ¼.

When we are adding all the four parts:

¼+¼+¼+¼=1 complete Pizza

We use the fraction calculator online to learn that there are two vital parts of the fraction: the denominator and the numerator. The denominator is the lower part of the fraction and the numerator is the upper part of the fraction. 

In elementary classes, we have to learn the types of fractions and the fraction calculator online can be used to distinguish all three types of fractions.

The proper fraction:

The proper fraction is the fraction, having the numerator smaller than the denominator. These fractions are called the proper fractions, and the examples of the proper fractions are as follows:

⅘,2/7,⅗, 1/11,3/21, 5/14,2/5 ….

The addition and subtraction of the fractions can be done by making the denominator equal to each other. When the denominator r becomes equal to each other, then we can utilize calculator-online.net to find the fraction.

For adding and subtracting proper fractions:

For making the denominator equal to the proper fraction we are going to utilize the following procedure, 

Consider two fractions:

4/5 and 3/7, we want to make the denominator equal:

then :


⇒ 3/7*(5/5)=15/35


The fraction calculator does all the steps automatically, but the multiplication and division of the fractions are a little difficult. We can utilize the dividing fractions calculator to find the division of the fractions.

The improper fractions:

The improper fractions are the fractions where there is a larger numerator than the denominator. If the fractions have an equal numerator and the denominator then we also call those fractions improper fractions. The example of the improper fraction is given below:

6/3, 5/2, 3/2, 7/6,9/1,5/5, 6/6,….

The fraction calculator online can be used to find the solution to the subtraction and multiplication of the fraction. 

For adding and subtracting improper fractions:

For making the denominator equal, we utilize the following methodology:

Consider two fractions:

⅜ and 2/12, we want to make the denominator equal:

then :


⇒ 2/12*(2/2)=4/24


⇒The 3/24 is our answer, but we need to equalize the denominator by the subtracting fractions calculator. The online tools are going to change all the values automatically and find the answer for us. When elementary classes students are going to use the adding fractions calculator. They are going to learn the calculations to find the answer as the whole calculations are done step by step to demonstrate the whole procedure.


Fraction is one of the basic concepts of mathematics, and we can’t escape it without learning the concept of fractions. It would become almost difficult to learn the concept of derivation and integration, in which we are applying the power rules of the fraction. The fraction calculator online is one of the easiest ways to find the solution to fractions of any kind, whether it is proper, improper, or mixed in nature. The mixed fractions first are converted into the proper fractions and then we apply the same rules of fractions. In the mixed fraction, there’s a whole number multiplied by a fraction.

Happy Reading!!!!
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