What Is The Proper Wheelchair Ramp Slope Measurement?

Know the proper measurements of the correct wheelchair ramp by using the incline calculator:

  • The maximum slope for hand-driven wheelchair ramps is one” of rising to every 12″ of length (4.8-degree angle; 8.3% grade).
  • The slope of power chairs is 1.5″ rise to 12″ length (7.1-degree angle; 12.5% grade).
  • The minimum width is at least 36″ (inside rails) – (48″ is the best).
  • A “deck” or surface of the ramp needs to be laid in between a side-rail system in a manner that leaves two” curbs, or lips on both sides of the ramp’s surface. Decking can be made up from the dimensions of 1″ X 6″ pressure-treated pine (or 3/8″ Pressure-treated wood that is glued to frames).
  • If feasible, the edge of the deck (where it joins the lower surface of the ground) should be rounded to allow an easy transition from the ramp to the level ground. Another option is a piece of 10- Ga. steel that is at most 10-” long and sized to fit the width of the ramp that could be used to span the space between the deck surface and the walk or driveway surface at the end of the ramp. This piece should overlap the ramp deck by 2″ and be secured using four large countersunk flat-head wood screws.
  • A high-quality platform of at most 5 5′ x 5′ must be placed at the top of the ramp to allow wheelchair mobility. If the door opens to the outside the door, it must have at least one foot of surface extended beyond one side to the other so that there is movement to the side without having to back the chair when the opening of door. The landing is not considered as part of the overall “run”/length of the ramp. Any turning point on the ramp should have an even landing. In the event that the angle of the curve is at a right-angle (90 degrees) the landing must be at a minimum of 5’x4′. If there is a “switchback” of 180 degrees built the landing level should be at least 5’x8′. Ramps with a length of more than 30′ must have a platform at least every 30′ to provide a sense of safety and the opportunity to relax.
  • Handrails must be installed for any ramp with slopes of greater than 5 percent (i.e.more than 1:12). They should extend one inch over the bottom and top of the ramp. They should be situated 32″ away from the ramp’s surface.
  • The accessibility of buildings should include at least two remote accessible, easily accessible entrances to exit in the event of needing to evacuate in an emergency.
  • There shouldn’t be a bump or step that is more than 12 inches at the door or thresholds. There must be a level area of 5 inches by 5 feet at the doors. 1′-6″ space from the side of the door that is on the pull side has to be cleared.
  • Surfaces that resist slip – carborundum strips, grit, and sand sprinkled over wet paint as well as coarse (“broom polish”) concrete make all acceptable surfaces.
  • Ramps must have a 5′ straight, an even surface at the bottom, to give a good stopping distance.

Utilize the incline calculator by choosing the ramp type you are looking for and entering any variable you want to calculate the length or the height of your ramp

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