What Should You Do When Your AC Stops Functioning?

Given the amount of transition phase today, global climate change is happening at a faster rate than before. It is here the role of your air conditioner becomes even more important. Simply picture this where you have a busy meeting scheduled with your clients, or you have some guests coming over and quite startingly, all of a sudden, your AC stops functioning.

This will undoubtedly be going to make matters seem worse for you than you can imagine. For the best Air Conditioning Maintenance or Air conditioner repair services, contact us at JetAirCo. Primarily based in New York, we continue to offer assistance in places like Smithtown, Hauppauge, Northport and Long Island.

Let us study about this in a more elaborate way:

  1. Keep an eye on the thermostat
  2. Look for ice buildup
  3. Replace the air filter
  4. Issues like clogged coil and dust particles

Keep an eye on the thermostat:

Experts at JetAirCo feel that initially before simply panicking, you must take care of the essential steps. When you notice that your air conditioner has stopped working or has malfunctioned in any way, you must at once keep an eye on the thermostat. You must check it thoroughly before making the next move. The thermostat is the device that controls your AC. It could be that anyone in your family had changed the thermostat, and that might be the cause why your AC has stopped working quite abruptly.

Look for ice buildup:

Often it is seen that your air conditioner stops working, and one of the primary reasons behind this could be the issue with ice buildup. If you notice that the ice buildup has reached a certain level, it could be one of the reasons why your AC stopped working.

Replace the air filter:

JetAirCo experts deliver the best Air Conditioning Maintenance not only in New York but also render their services in other parts of the USA like – Smithtown, Hauppauge, Northport and Long Island. These experts opine that when an AC stops functioning, you could possibly consider replacing the air filter. If you fail to replace your air filter regularly, your system will not likely work correctly and deliver good results.

Issues like clogged coil and dust particles:

Sometimes it is seen that there could be major issues like the clogged coil or clogged unit. Moreover, there could be issues like dust particles that will cause a potential threat to your air conditioner. Thus experts at JetAirCo feel that you must take adequate measures to clean your system on a regular basis. That way, the longevity of your AC increases.


Experts at JetAirCo believe that your air conditioner might stop functioning if it is too outdated. Thus, to get a comfortable experience, you must be able to shell out a hefty amount of money. You don’t buy an air conditioner daily as it is a luxury item. Thus, before investing, you must be aware of the market dynamics too.

For a more rewarding experience, get in touch with our team of experts at JetAirCo. Besides New York, we also offer services in places like Smithtown, Hauppauge, Northport and Long Island. We offer the Air Conditioning Repair services with a difference!

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