Australian Resume Format: How To Write One Step By Step

Imagine spending so much time and effort crafting an application or resume that you’re on top of your game. You have hit the job market, you’ve nailed interviews by giving sensible, insightful answers to questions, and you feel confident when putting your foot into a new company’s shoes because you can pack it with all the varied expertise that has been developed over the years. However, now imagine how frustrating it would be if one day every single job required that certain format! It would throw off your entire life as you had to shuffle as many jobs in order to go through a process that was pointless for any future employment opportunities to come about. This does not seem like an exaggeration because one magic Australian resume format has wiped out traditional employment chances for many Australians born after 1980.

Australian Resume Format – The Details 

If so, then you are in luck. The Australian resume format is fairly standard, and there are some key elements that should be included regardless of where you are located. Here we will outline the basics of the Australian resume format, and give you a step-by-step guide on how to write one yourself.

First things first – make sure to organize your information into sections that make sense. The following outline is based on the principle of “layout follows function”, so try to keep your content layout logical and concise. The first section of your Australian resume should be your contact information. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address in this section. You may also want to include a website or blog URL if you have one. Try to keep your information as concise as possible – it is not necessary to include details like job titles or dates of employment.

Second, list your education information. This includes your name and utilization (e.g., university, college), course titles, grades, and degrees/diplomas/certificates earned. Try to list all relevant education certificates and degrees here – including undergraduate, postgraduate, and international degrees if applicable.

The Australian Resume Format: Step By Step

The Australian resume format is a guide to help you write a professional resume that is sure to get you interviews. To create the perfect resume for your Australian job search, follow these simple steps: 

  1. Start with an overview of your career and highlight the key accomplishments from your past.
  2. Next, list your education and work experience in chronological order. Use highlights and headings to organize your information and make it easy to read.
  3. Concentrate on giving employers a good idea of what you can offer them, and focus on skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for.
  4. Finally, include a personal statement that showcases why you are a good fit for the position and why you would be an asset to the company.

Creating a well-crafted Australian resume can help you stand out from the competition and get you closer to finding the job of your dreams. Follow these simple steps to create yours today!

Do’s and Don’ts When Writing a Resume

There are a few things you should do and some you should avoid when putting together your resume. 

Here are some do’s:

  • Pick an online resume builder to help format and style your resume. Most offer free templates, or you can create your own.
  • Keep your resume concise and to the point. Limit yourself to one page, double spaced.
  • Include your contact information at the top of the resume, including email, website and telephone number. Include objective information right below this.
  • Use active verbs to describe how you accomplished your goals. For example, “developed marketing plans that increased sales” rather than “managed marketing campaigns”.
  • Be sure to highlight any skills or experience that are relevant to the position for which you are applying. List recent achievements first, then list all relevant skills/experiences in reverse chronological order. 


  • Do not include any personal information on your resume—your marital status, age, religion, etc. This will only get filed away and may disqualify you from pursuing an interview.
  • Do not use your personal picture in all of your resumes. Tailor your resume according to the company’s criteria.

Online Resources To Help You Write Your Aussie Formatting

When it comes to knowing how to write a resume, there are a number of resources available online. But with so many different formats and formatting options, how do you know which one is right for you? Here are four tips to help you create an Australian resume that will get you the job you want:

1. Use concise language.

Keep your resume concise and to the point. Instead of wasting space with details that don’t matter, focus on highlighting your key qualifications and skills. This will make your resume easier to read and understand and help you stand out from the competition.

2. Use uniform fonts and formatting.

Use the same font style and typeface throughout your resume, to make it look cleaner and more organized. This will also help you avoid confusion among applicants who may be applying in a variety of formats.

3. Use headings to structure your information.

Use headings to structure your information, both in the body of your resume and in any accompanying cover letter or CV. This will make it easier for hiring managers to find the information they’re looking for, and give you a good overview of your skills and experience.

4. Keep it brief!

Also read: Ways to prepare a career in graphic design

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