Key Insights On Creating COVID-19 Signages

On average, consumers go through between 6,000 to 10,000 digital or physical advertisements daily. Today, there is more signage and communications added to regular advertising materials due to the ongoing pandemic.

We are already in the COVID-19 unlocking phase and safely school opening has become a serious concern for educators, parents and government officials. While safety training and education are crucial before opening but schools still need to focus more on giving COVID-19 prevention training and in-person practices. COVID-19 safety signage for elementary schools is ideal for this task as the safety signage can draw attention and deliver safety information efficiently.

The ongoing health crisis forced all businesses, offices and agencies to use signage for COVID-19 that spread safety awareness in the office. The influx of instructional signage has never been so important to all industries. At ARC, we always focus on combining visual sensitives along with critical health messages when working with the clients on their COVID-19 communications.

When it comes to creating COVID-19 safety graphics, we always follow the tips below-

Strike a balance between quality and quantity:

A lot of companies have a common concern-how to make people feel safe and ready for reopening? They also worry about the locations and visibility of the signage to ensure that people see it and understand the meaning.

The signage should not overwhelm visitors with so much information while making sure all signs are visible. It mainly depends on the user and space. For example, in educational places like elementary schools and universities, the students and staff need to feel safe. The signs should not come as harsh or forced, rather they should encourage people to take safety precautions for themselves and others.

Focus on familiarity:

When it comes to analyzing the space where you want to install the COVID signage, you should consider the surrounding finishes, existing safety signages and floor decals. The objective here is to produce graphics that can seamlessly go with the company’s brand image and the message should be clear enough to comprehend and follow.

By adding a touch of familiarity to the signage, you can ensure that the signs make more sense to the employees.

Check the tone:

The overall tone and verbiage are also important. For example, retail clients are very much concerned about the health of their staff and customers. Retail businesses don’t want their customers to feel intimidated or bad shopping experience. In that scenario, you can use larger signage with softer language to communicate the protocol. One thing that you should remember is that not everyone wants to communicate in the same way, so it’s important to listen and deliver.

Simplicity is key:

While the messaging can differ from project to project, the mission is the same- keeping the message simple so that people can easily understand and follow the safety information and measures. When it comes to conveying a clear and straightforward message, it is always better to use clear language. We, at ARC, always try to make it as easy as possible for the customers and employees.

Customizable floor decals are also one of the popular forms of displaying social distancing norms. You can use the floor decals in the places like a cafeteria, gym, offices to maintain simplicity.

Choose ARC for your COVID-19 signage for elementary schools:

As North America’s largest printing company, ARC Document Solutions has all the expertise to provide you with the best quality posters for social distancing and school safety signage to keep students, teachers and office staff informed about the preventive measures of maintaining COVID-19 spread.

We believe that COVID-19 safety signage should be calm, informative and respectful. The aim is to encourage people to follow all the safety measures that will benefit themselves and around them.

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