Strategic healthcare marketing in Honolulu, Hawaii


Healthcare in Hawaii is diverse, vibrant and growing. With a population of 1.4 million and a large portion of that being non-English speaking, marketing to the Hawaiian community can be challenging. For example, despite the fact that Honolulu has over 600 languages spoken on its streets, only 15% of its residents speak another language at home. As such, you’ll want to tap into local communities and make sure all your advertisements are culturally accurate so they can resonate with this large population.

Healthcare in Hawaii

If you’re looking for a place to live that’s filled with sunshine and palm trees, then it’s no wonder that Hawaii is such an attractive option. The Aloha State has long been known for its warm climate and beautiful beaches. There are also plenty of attractions within the state; from luaus at Waikiki Beach to surfing in Kauai County and whale watching on Oahu Island.

Hawaii has one of the highest life expectancies in America—80 years old on average—and this is largely due to its excellent healthcare system. It has a low infant mortality rate (1/500 babies die before their first birthday), low obesity rate (17%) compared with other states like New York where over 30% are obese), smoking rate (11%), HIV/AIDS cases per 100k residents).

Healthcare treatment in Hawaii

Hawaii has the highest number of health professionals per capita, with 2.7 physicians per 1,000 people in 2015. The state also has a large primary care physician pool and a low rate of uninsured residents due to its universal healthcare system.

Hawaii’s specialty care is similar to that of California: dentists and orthodontists are more common than specialists like cardiologists and oncologists.

Hawaiian population by island

The state of Hawaii has a population of 1,328,000 people. The majority of the population is Asian (62%), Pacific Islander (11%) and white (24%). In addition to these three groups, there are also smaller populations from other backgrounds: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (2%), mixed race (1%) and Latino/Hispanic ethnicity (0.5%).

Honolulu, Hawaii demographics

Honolulu is the capital city of Hawaii. It’s also the most populous city in Hawaii and has a population of about 390,000 people.

Honolulu has a density of 4,900 people per square mile (1 million per square kilometer).

Healthcare marketing for Honolulu’s diverse population

Healthcare marketing for Honolulu’s diverse population

  • Targeting specific demographics. The Hawaiian community, which is the largest ethnic group in Hawaii, represents a huge market for healthcare services and products. However, language issues can make it difficult for companies to reach this audience effectively with traditional marketing strategies.
  • Marketing to the Hawaiian community: Languages such as Hawaiian, Japanese and Chinese are spoken by many residents of Hawaii who also speak English fluently. This makes it easier for marketers to target these individuals with their messages without having them feel excluded or left out by companies’ advertising efforts because they don’t understand what they’re saying on TV commercials or billboards outside of their neighborhoods (i..e., Chinatown).

Marketing to non-English speakers in Honolulu

If you’re marketing to non-English speakers in Honolulu, know that there are many ways to do so. The most important thing is to understand your audience and their needs. Once you’ve done this, it’s time for the fun stuff: developing a plan of action for reaching out and talking about your product or service!

Marketing Seattle healthcare services

In this example, you’re targeting the right audience. Your ads are relevant to their interests and keywords. You’ve used images that are relevant to your message and copy that appeals to them in a way that will get them to click on your ad. The call-to-action button is clear and concise—and easy for them to understand so they know exactly what action you want them to take (and why).

Reach out to the diverse Hawaiian community with culturally specific ads.

  • Reach out to the diverse Hawaiian community with culturally specific ads.
  • Marketing to non-English speakers in Honolulu.
  • Marketing Seattle healthcare services.
  • Healthcare treatment in Hawaii.

In addition to reaching out to the Hawaiian population, you can also advertise your services on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as local media outlets like TV station KFVE Channel 18 or Honolulu Civil Beat newspaper (www1).


Healthcare Marketing in Honolulu, Hawaii is a booming industry. The city’s diverse population and culture make it a prime target for healthcare service providers looking to expand their reach. With so many different groups to market to, it can be hard to know exactly where or how best to start. Thankfully, we have some ideas on how you can get started with your own campaign!

Happy Reading!!!!
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