Top 10 Video Sharing Sites You Should Use

Top 10 Video Sharing Sites You Should Use

With more reliable and faster internet connections, video-sharing websites have become popular, particularly with the increase in active participation by users. Videos are a large part of the majority of internet-based content that we consume in the present. In the coming years, with the development of virtual and augmented realities, this demand for video is likely to grow even more.

Best Video Sharing Sites and Apps (2022)

The list also includes certain of the top well-known live streaming services that you should be aware of regardless of whether you’re an artist yourself or just a follower. Without further delay, here are the top video-sharing sites and apps you need to take a look at:


Apple is a video-sharing platform that allows you to upload as well as share videos. It also lets you upload other videos without having permission. Do you know what Apple is and how to download videos from it? Additionally, you should know how it could be beneficial to individuals working in their professional or personal life.


The site also offers the ability to support as high as 8K in addition to HDR content which can be uploaded using any of the popular video formats. This means that there are numerous opportunities for creators who want to earn money through YouTube.


Although YouTube is certainly the most used video-sharing site, Vimeo remains probably the most effective option in comparison to Google and its offerings. Unlike YouTube, Vimeo does not feature ads at the beginning or between video clips, making it excellent from a viewer’s point of view. 


TikTok might not be accessible in India however its appeal across the globe is on the rise at an unprecedented rate. The trend of lip-syncing videos has become the norm in recent years and it is important to be thankful to TikTok for its significant part in this. 

Facebook Watch

Facebook is the biggest social networking platform and is the host of one of the largest collections of video content created by users brands, pages for brands, and creators. To compete with the offerings on YouTube, Facebook Watch comes with many important features that allow users to stream any video they want with their friends. 


If you’re a game enthusiast who wants to stream your gaming videos online, Twitch is a great option to do it. Twitch is a streaming video service that is available online. It allows users to stream games at a maximum rate of 3500 bits per second. For gamers who are advanced and hoping to make money through this revenue-sharing system used by Twitch, this is one of the best platforms that allow you to play your games. 


Users can download, view and upload videos via the network. With the limit on the size of files to 2GB and a duration maximum that is 60 mins for each video uploaded, Dailymotion is a widely popular video-sharing platform online. In addition, with its Dailymotion Publishing Partner program, creators of content can receive an income share from their monetized video. 

IGTV by Instagram

Integrated with Instagram, IGTV serves the group of people who are looking for short-form video content that is in landscape (vertical) form. It’s targeted toward smartphone users. Its simple scrolling and tap gestures offer users a variety of consumable content. You can utilize IGTV directly through its standalone application or within the Instagram application.


The categories span from video games to movies and music to sports television to fashion and many more. The company behind the site claims that it employs a unique ranking algorithm to ensure that the videos uploaded are of top quality. Each video is uploaded only once, making sure there aren’t duplicates.

read more: 7 Best Entertainment Apps for Android

Happy Reading!!!!

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